Understanding your period cycle

Stay Confident in the Dark Stages of Your Cycle

During the luteal phase and your period, you may experience a rollercoaster of emotions due to fluctuating hormone levels. If this phase of your cycle lands on a holiday, it can complicate your plans. PMS might have you feeling insecure, nervous, or tense — feelings you don’t want to have on a day that is supposed to be about fun. This Halloween, don’t let your hormones get the best of you. It is possible to still feel confident and have fun, even when your hormones aren’t on your side. 



Period-related insecurity

The topic of body image as it relates to your reproductive hormones is severely under-researched. Although many women know for a fact that they believe they look different during their luteal phase and menstrual cycle, doctors just excuse this as exacerbated self-esteem issues due to hormonal changes. This issue should not be dismissed. 

From a young age, women are conditioned to believe that their period symptoms are just something they will have to deal with, suffering for a quarter of their lives. This experience is shared by many women. Luckily, things are changing. Pain relief methods are becoming more efficient, and there is plenty of research on how food and exercise affect your cycle. While there is still a long way to go, here is what we know about ways to stay confident and comfortable while experiencing PMS and during your period. 

Tips to make your holiday easier



If you are struggling with self-esteem issues during your period, the best way to recognise and confront the problem is by keeping a journal. Remember that the thoughts you are having are due to hormonal changes and likely are wildly exaggerated. This is not your actual perception of yourself; it is the hormones talking. Keeping a consistent journal or diary can help you identify these changes and know that the feelings of insecurity will pass. Remember that feeling insecure is just that, a feeling. No one outside of yourself would be able to notice any significant changes in how you look. 

This Halloween, don’t let your hormones get the best of you. Remember that this feeling will go away, and you will have a better time with friends or family if you are unburdened by worrying about your appearance. 



Pain relief 

Pain does not do wonders for your mood. Painful periods combined with low self-esteem are a recipe for cancelling fun plans and staying inside. If your Halloween plans involve alcohol, over-the-counter pain medication may not be a safe option for you. There is a safe and natural solution, though. The Circe TENS device provides natural pain relief by sending mild electrical pulses through your skin and effectively reduces period pain by blocking pain signals sent to the brain. It can be placed under your costume on your lower abdomen or back and can be worn discreetly for up to 10 hours, so you can keep dancing all night long. 



I know it does not sound appealing, but exercise has been proven to reduce PMS symptoms and period pain. Endorphins released in the brain during and after exercise help put you in a better mood. People who exercise regularly are less likely to experience severe PMS symptoms and are even less likely to have mood changes like anxiety and depression. 



You can find relief with something as simple as just relaxing. Taking time to slow down and let your body do what it needs can be extremely rewarding. You can use meditation techniques to take your focus off of your negative self-talk and improve your self-esteem. 

Don’t let your hormones run your life as we approach the holiday season. Your period symptoms are not an inevitable part of your life that must be accepted. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident no matter what stage in your menstrual cycle you are at. 

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